Life Watch Online Survey launched
2009-05-11T17:25:13+00:00 announcement
The European FP7-ESFRI project LifeWatch, e-science and technology infrastructure for biodiversity research and observatories is now one year into its preparatory phase, and in the next decade, LifeWatch will construct and bring into operation the facilities, hardware, software and governance structures for all aspects of biodiversity research. In order to make sure LifeWatch will live up the expectations, it is important to collect as many suggestions and contributions from future users of the new infrastructure.For this reason, LifeWatch is conducting an online survey. Questions deal mainly with the LifeWatch "Services" and all the features LifeWatch could offer. Filling out the questionnaire will take about 20 minutes. At the end respondents will be able to indicate if they wish to be kept informed about the results and to subscribe to the LifeWatch Newsletter.